Gone, But Not Forgotten


Gone, But Certainly Not Forgotten - At Least, Not Yet
SMOKE SIGNALS MAGAZINE - January - February 2012

If you're reading this column, by now you've probably spent more than a few minutes lamenting, decrying or resenting the permanent effects that indoor smoking bans have had on the way you enjoy female smoking. We know we certainly have.

However, we recently took the thought process a step further. We spent some time thinking back to some of our favorite smoking fetish experiences from the past. And we realized that the younger members of our community - and all of those who will follow us - will never have the opportunity to know so many once-common smoking fetish experiences, which for us defined the fetish in many ways.

Here are some of the ones we came up with. We're sure you can add to the list.

1. Sitting across from a sexy smoker in a bar and beginning a conversation - maybe she's interesting, maybe she's not - but a prolonged conversation in a bar is the best way imagineable to keep her smoking and smoking right in front of you, where you can watch her without looking out of place. If you light her cigarettes for her, chances are that she'll smoke even more.

2. Dinner on a first date with a hot smoker - she sits directly across from you in the restaurant as she smokes cigarette after cigarette, and you have the chance to take a full inventory of her smoking style over several hours. Since you're just getting to know each other, it's also one of the best times to start the conversation where you learn all about her smoking history.

3. Intermissions at "glamorous" events like classical concerts or plays, with sexy women from every age group dressed in their finest clothes, showing off their elegant smoking in theater lobbies. Many seemed fully conscious of the fact that their smoking was, in reality, one more fashion accessory they could show off to an appreciative audience as they sipped their cocktails and entranced their admirers. Smoking in fur, smoking with holders, luxurious and exaggerated french inhales - all were commonplace. Of course, some women still smoke during intermissions of concerts and plays these days, but it's not quite the same standing on a sidewalk with buses and taxis roaring by.

4. Catered dinner functions like weddings, with ashtrays (and once upon a time, loose cigarettes) at every table - and seemingly every woman partaking. Even "non smokers" were tempted to light up after dinner when the cigarettes were right in front of them - leading to some wonderful "let me show you the proper way to do that" moments. They were also one of the best places for elegant mother-daughter or other "family member" sightings.

5. Non-stop college smoking sessions: these ranged from the chain-smoking college coeds doing their homework while smoking non-stop in the cafeteria or coffee shop - to late-night drinking-and-smoking hangout sessions in the dorm, where pack after pack after pack disappeared while world problems and personal problems were dissected over many bottles of wine or beer.

Women smoking at work, girls smoking on trains - there are many other categories we could have included; but we wanted to leave at least a few to your imagination - which is where, sadly, all of these experiences have now been permanently relegated.

Despite ending on a less than happy note - have a Happy New Year, thanks for spending another year with Smoke Signals, and enjoy the January-February issue!

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Gone, But Not Forgotten
written by CiVault , December 06, 2023
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