Kayla's Lungs, Part 10


Kayla's Lungs, Part 10
by Vesperae


First, an announcement about my forum:

Boardhost shut down my forum and multimedia archive near the end of March because they recently implemented a ban on smoking and fetish content. Way back in 2000 when I opened the first incarnation of "Sublime," I asked the then owner of Boardhost (who was pretty much a one man band at the time) if he had any problems with SF content. He told me flatly that he absolutely did not.

Oh how times change…

I will definitely have another SF web project at some point, although I'm not quite sure what yet, and I'm not quite sure when, but you'll definitely hear about it here when I have news to share.

In the meantime, I'll still be here, my YT Channel is still up (at least as I type this…lol), and you're always welcome to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

* * * * *

Kayla's Lungs, Part 10

January 12, late afternoon

I kept having this little mental video running over and over in the back of my head as I drove to the salon. I kept picturing an intricate network of gears and pulleys and belts and cams and rods all working and whirring together with incredible precision and efficiency. I imagined myself standing over the intricate machine, looking down at it and studying it carefully, and then deliberately and carefully dropping little clods of dirt into it. Each one would shatter and spray as it hit a moving part, causing the whole mechanism to momentarily shudder and vibrate violently. And then the grimy matter would spread from gear tooth to gear tooth, from pulley to belt, from cam to rod, and on and on, until the unnatural vibrations would dissipate and the foreign material would be distributed throughout the entire machine.

And then I'd do it again.

The salon was just a few doors down in the same strip mall as the grocery store where Kayla buys her cartons of Virginia Slims 120's. The neon sign above the front door read: "St. Samantha's Purgatorium for Wayward Girls." The window below it to the left of the front door had a smaller neon sign advertising their services: "Hair • Makeup • Piercings • Tattoos • Nails." The window to the right of the door was lit up with another neon sign – a full pair of red lips with a long white cigarette hanging from them. The tip glowed bright red with a fixed curl of smoke rising from it.

There were no curtains or blinds on the windows, and the interior was large and open, the periphery rimmed with cabinets and counter tops and large mirrors framed in heavy ornate gold frames facing big red leather overstuffed barber chairs. The ceiling was exposed pipe and duct work, and was painted white. The walls, counter tops, and counters were all black. Pools of warm light shone down from track lighting in the ceiling above each styling station, and recessed lighting above, below, and inside the glass front cabinets suffused the space with a faint seductive glow.

I turned off my car and was about to get out when I saw a very polished looking woman stand up from behind the front counter, slip on her long fitted leather coat and leather gloves, and begin to walk out the front door with something in her hand. Moments later, she was lighting up a long white cigarette and hauling a nasty batch of carcinogens deep into her sick little rotting lungs.

She was such a slim pretty girl, with long thick straight auburn hair flowing down her back, and a black silk headband tied off to one side wrangling her tresses at the temples. Her long silver chain earrings and light eyes sparkled in the neon glow, her pale skin contrasting sharply with the dark smoky swirl of makeup with which she'd done her eyes.

I watched her breasts fall slowly as a thick concentrated current of toxins flowed on and on from the glossy sheen of her dark poisoned lips into the still, cold night air. The garish neon lights behind her made the deadly cigarette smoke that she repeatedly invited deep into her chest vivid and bright in the darkness. I watched it swirl and float around her sexy silhouette as she lazily shifted her weight from one 4" heel to the other, occasionally taking a small meditative step or gentle pivot. She devoured her cigarette with one long drag and hard snap after another, and gave her cigarette and the rancid river of cancer and emphysema with which she was flooding her lungs her complete attention.

I watched her take one last long drag, pulling the coal all the way down to the filter. She yanked the fuming butt from her lips with her slim gloved fingers and did a huge French inhale as she began to crush her spent coffin nail out in the ashtray next to the door. She carefully tamped out the scattered hot coals for several seconds as she held the vaporous seeds of Death deep inside, taunting them to take root. Then she looked up at nothing in particular and just stood there for another thirty seconds or so with her pack and lighter in her hand at her side as she very, very slowly let jets of smoke flow out of her nose over and over again. When the carcinogens eventually stopped tickling her sinuses, she turned and went back inside.

No hesitation. No distractions. Just one woman. One urge. One release.

The windows were starting to fog, and of course I was getting very turned on, and of course I really wanted to smoke. And of course the fact that I really wanted to smoke got me even more hot and wet in the pants.

I thought about just starting the car back up and going home. But then I remembered why I came, and how excited I was to be doing what I was about to be doing. So instead, I took a few minutes to compose myself, and eventually screwed up the nerve to get out, go in, and meet the woman that I was just accidentally lusting over.

When I opened the door, I heard the writhing, twisted, perverse wails and instrumental grinding of The Dead Weather at a slightly higher than "background" level reverberating throughout the space. As I approached the front counter, I saw the auburn haired smoker sitting at her desk, looking up at me from behind a tall counter between two large vases of red roses. She was now wearing purple Ray-Ban Clubmaster eyeglasses, and as our eyes met, she smiled broadly at me with teeth the color of butter.

"Welcome to St. Samantha's! How can we help you tonight?"

She smelled of sweet, musky, floral perfume…and leather…and rich, toxic tar. I glanced down and saw her open pack of Virginia Slims Full Flavor 100's and fancy slim black and gold lighter sitting out in the middle of her desk. Not hidden in a drawer, or in her coat pocket, or in her purse, but just out in plain sight, where anyone could see them.

I must have "glanced" a little too long, because she noticed me looking at her cigarettes and lighter. Her expression was momentarily confused as she looked down at her Virginia Slims, but then she quickly looked back up at me and smiled playfully. "Do you want one?"

As the words slowly registered in my swimming little head like I was hearing them from someplace outside of my body, I actually thought I also heard her say "Oh yeah, I smoke. I love to smoke. I really enjoy smoking. I'm a girly girl who smokes girly cigarettes. I reek of tar. I taste like toxic waste. I'm destroying my lungs. I'm ruining my body. I'm killing myself. I couldn't possibly care less what you think. Deal with it."

"Oh…no thank you…it's just that my friend smokes something similar, and seeing your cigarettes there made me think of her."

"Oh…what does your friend smoke?"

"She smokes the 120's."

"I smoke those too sometimes! They're really fun and cool and feminine…and they last a really long time. Yummy! But I like to smoke these when I'm here, because even though they're shorter, they're stronger, so I get the same hit in less time…which means that I can actually take more smoke breaks!" She laughed and flashed the ominous patina of tar on her teeth again. "So, do you smoke?"

I felt myself drifting outside of my body again and heard myself say "Yes." I couldn't believe it; the answer had always been "No"…

"What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?"

"Uh…actually I haven't been smoking that long, and I've only tried one kind so far…Virginia Slims 120's…like my friend smokes."

"Oh, that's a great brand to start with! Either those or the Gold Pack 100's! But a big part of the fun of starting to smoke is getting to try different kinds of cigarettes. But there's no rush…" Another broad corrupted smile.

Once again on auto-pilot, I heard myself ask: "So how long have you been smoking?"

"Hmmm…let's see…WOW…about nine years now!"

Still completely in awe of the fact that I was having this particular conversation with another human being, I again heard myself ask: "And how much do you smoke?"

"About a pack-a-day I guess…" My Inner Geek shot up a quick calculation of a likely minimum of at least seven pack-years of lung damage lurking beneath the plunging neckline of her black dress. She tilted her head and shrugged. "I just really enjoy smoking…it feels really good and it makes me feel really sexy." A slight blush passed over her face and throat and chest and she cleared her throat. "Anyway…how can we help you tonight?"

"I'd like to get some piercings, and I was thinking about maybe doing something with my hair color…and I'd love some makeup advice…and I'd also really like to do something fun with my nails."

"Oh sure! What did you have in mind for piercings?"

"Both my ears…and my nose."

"Cool! No problem." Another carcinogenic grin.

"Why don't we have you meet with a hair stylist first, then a nail stylist, then a makeup artist, and finish up with the piercings?"

Four more of St. Samantha's minions. All glamorous fashionistas. All heavy-smoking, damaged, narcissistic Poster Girls for Self-Inflicted Lung Disease. And just like the auburn haired hostess, all kept their packs of cigarettes and lighters on proud display in their work areas, all of them smelled beautiful and expensive and toxic, and all of them loved to talk about how much they loved to smoke their cigarettes.

My hair stylist was a voluptuous Latina with 13 pack-years of Benson and Hedges Menthol 100's lung damage. My nail stylist was a lovely Russian woman with huge innocent eyes and 9 pack-years of Capri 120's lung damage. My makeup artist was a petite, gorgeous, hilarious Asian woman with 11 pack-years of More 120's lung damage. My piercing specialist was a tall, slim, husky-voiced blonde with very long legs in knee-high stripper boots and 17 pack-years of Virginia Slims Menthol 100's lung damage.

As each of them worked on me, I discretely let my eyes focus on their chests, which were frequently close to my face. They all loved to smoke their girly fashion cigarettes. They're all brown inside with girly tar. They're all sick inside with fashionable diseases. Just inches away. Just below the surface.

I breathed in deliberately and deeply through my nose every time one of them moved closer, or spoke or laughed towards my face. They were priceless human tar sponges all, and I filled myself again and again with the heady stench of their accumulated virulent chemical sins as it flowed from their filthy precancerous cores.

As I was sitting at the piercing station getting my third, and the second to my left earlobe about an inch above the first, I looked up to see the auburn haired hostess slipping back into her long fitted leather coat and gloves. There she was, heading outside again to deposit another 20 milligrams or so of brown mutagenic sludge throughout her bronchial tract. She looked back inside and began watching me through the window, and she kept her eyes on mine as she lit up.

She smiled and took her second drag, and just as she parted her shiny poisoned lips and snapped it deep down into her chest, the stripper boots blonde who was piercing me pulled the trigger on her piercing gun and sent the stud slamming through my ear. The dull ache began to radiate through the side of my head as the auburn haired hostess exhaled her load of concentrated air pollution out into the neon glow of the space between us.

"Which side of your nose did you want pierced again?" asked the 17 pack-years of menthol tar blonde as she prepped the gun with a fresh stud.

I pictured Exam Table Me from my dream. "The right side please."

The auburn haired hostess winked at me as she took another hungry jaded drag, and another thick heavy lungful of doom. The piercing gun sent the stud slamming through my nose. The Virginia Slims girl watching me from outside pantomimed pointing and firing a gun at the left side of her nose in a reflected exaggeration of what was happening to me. And as I began to tear up and my nose began to burn and throb, I watched her push filthy thick long jets of cancer gas out of her nostrils.

By the time I'd composed myself, touched up my makeup, and gathered all of the assorted hair care products, nail care products, and makeup I'd selected, the hostess was back at her desk, in her purple glasses, and freshly soiled and very stinky with Virginia Slims sludge. When she saw me, she jumped up and grabbed me by the shoulders. "WOW! You look FAN-TAST-IC!!!"

The smell of the hot wet toxic waste dump forming her words washed over my face and made me drip. "Gee…thanks."

She cheerfully rang up all of my purchases, and applied a generous multi-service discount. "That'll be $283.69 please, Hot Stuff."

I blushed and handed her my debit card. I couldn't wait to get back to the privacy of my apartment. I took my bags of self-indulgent narcissism and my new nails, hair, and face out into the cold dark night.

I decided to make one more stop before heading home. The grocery store where Kayla buys her cartons of Virginia Slims 120's.

There was a young guy working at the customer service counter when I walked up to it. He was helping an older lady with some kind of paperwork, but immediately looked up at me when he saw me coming and seemed very startled. At first I didn't know what was wrong…but then it dawned on me that he might be into me and maybe I made him nervous. That'd never really happened before.

As soon as he was free, he walked sheepishly over to where I was standing and stammered "C-c-can I help you?"

"I'd like a pack of Virginia Slims 100's – the ones with the red panel on the end."

Email Vesperae

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Kayla's Lungs, Part 10
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written by Podayos , May 24, 2019
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written by Androzene , May 28, 2019
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written by Progentra , June 04, 2019
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written by Malegenix , June 04, 2019
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written by avenue south residences , June 27, 2019
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written by Androzene , July 13, 2019
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Story of Kyla
written by Ryan Colbert , July 25, 2019
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I am amazed
written by Ryan Colbert , July 25, 2019
I am amazed of her story and at the end it ended up with happy moments.
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written by 192.168.l.l , October 11, 2019
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written by Dianabol Before After , February 11, 2020
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written by Elagage , February 20, 2020
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written by appliance repair , March 09, 2020
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Thank you for sharing such a vulnerable situation
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Great post, thanks for sharing.
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written by evernote , March 20, 2021
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written by vedadate , March 20, 2021
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written by Selene , May 20, 2021
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written by Tonya Hamner , June 11, 2021
So happy I found this blog. So much inaccurate information out there. Thank you guys for spending the time to put out quality content.
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written by Daisy , June 14, 2021
Good post. If you are looking for herb tea, then please contact us. smilies/smiley.gif
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written by Baltimore Local Movers , June 27, 2021
Thanks for taking the time to share with us such a great article. Keep doing awesome.
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written by roofing contractors apollo beach , June 29, 2021
I have visited the beach lately.
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written by Cannabidiol , July 20, 2021
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written by Cannabidiol , July 20, 2021
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written by kemducmanh , July 20, 2021
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written by Google , October 11, 2021
Do your research now!
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Kayla's Lungs
written by John Hartman , October 12, 2021
Thanks for this post, we need to take care of our lungs. See more about the Tree Removal Spokane here.
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Kayla's Lungs
written by John Hartman , October 15, 2021
Truly your lungs, actually like your heart, joints, and different pieces of your body, age with time. They can turn out to be less adaptable and lose their solidarity, which can make it harder to relax. Yet, by embracing specific solid propensities, you can more readily keep up with the soundness of your lungs, and keep them working ideally even into your senior years.Tree Service Harrisonburg
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written by Smile Design Jakarta , October 17, 2021
Health has always been number one concern is everyone life.
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written by Smile Design Jakarta , October 17, 2021
Health has always been number one concern is everyone life. We are a health care provider specialising in Smile Design Jakarta
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Interesting post
written by Smile Design Jakarta , October 17, 2021
Health has always been number one concern is everyone life. We are a health care provider specialising in dental health
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Tops Tree Service of Newport Beach
written by Tops Tree Service of Newport Beach , October 17, 2021
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Tree Care Co Mission Viejo
written by Tree Care Co Mission Viejo , October 17, 2021
Smoking is dangerous to our health.
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written by aurorasepticservices.com , October 21, 2021
Great! I was about looking for informative content, glad I found this.

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written by sbobet login , October 24, 2021
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written by sbobet login , October 25, 2021
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Thank you!
written by fresno auto detailing , October 27, 2021
Will definitely use this for my car detailing service.
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Golden Valley Bamboo
written by bamboo , October 28, 2021
Smoking is definitely not good for you!
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written by paintersoshawa.ca , October 29, 2021
Keep on sharing this entertaining content! smilies/grin.gif

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continue your writing
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You must continue your writing. I am sure, you’ve a great readers’ base already!
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Fantastic points
written by Parramatta Mobile teeth whitening , August 18, 2022
Fantastic points altogether, you simply received a logo new reader.
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written by Garland Texas Computer Diagnostics , August 28, 2022
Thanks for the wonderful share..
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written by foundation repair contractor near me san francisco ca , August 28, 2022
They were priceless human tar sponges all, and I filled myself again and again with the heady stench of their accumulated virulent chemical sins as it flowed from their filthy precancerous cores.
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Gaia1956 , September 26, 2022
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written by Abby , September 27, 2022
thank you for sharing this. Smoking can seriously damage people and it needs to be talked about more. https://www.hamiltonmetalroofing.com/[steel roofing hamilton/url]
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written by Abby , September 27, 2022
Thank you for sharing this. Smoking can seriously damage people and it needs to be talked about more. https://www.hamiltonmetalroofing.com/
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written by drywall repair near me , October 11, 2022
Thanks for taking the time to share with us such a great article. Keep doing awesome.
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written by Bracken , October 17, 2022
Interesting but smoking really is bad for the lungs - Solar Panel Installers Near Me
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written by Bracken , October 17, 2022
Sorry I mean Solar Panel Installers Near Me
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written by Bracken , October 17, 2022
solar panel installers near me
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Concrete Contractors Maitland
written by Concrete Contractors Maitland , October 24, 2022
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Handyman Pros of Milton
written by Gracelyn , October 28, 2022
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written by Trans Sex Montpellier , November 08, 2022
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Deck Builders Bendigo
written by Deck Builders Bendigo , November 17, 2022
I appreciate this information a lot! I will definitely share this with my friends and my colleagues. Please visit our website to learn more about our affordable services
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written by robin , January 05, 2023
Sorry to hear about your lungs, I hope you will get better soon Mold remediation services near me
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written by Car Detailing Scarborough , January 17, 2023
Car Detailing Service In Scarborough Ontario Canada
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written by Cleaning Services Newmarket , January 17, 2023
Offering cleaning services in Newmarket, ON Canada.
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written by Car Detailing Richmond Hill , January 17, 2023
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written by Septic Service Dayton , January 19, 2023
I was really happy how this turned out thank you
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written by Asphalt Paving Springfield , January 19, 2023
Thanks for sharing this with us all. I really enjoy the topic.
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written by Snail Terrarium , January 26, 2023
really useful site, I love it. Thank you so much for sharing. are praying mantis dangerous
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love your site
written by Denver Concrete , January 26, 2023
thank you for sharing, this was extremely interesting to read! concrete contractors denver
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written by Arvada Fence Company , January 26, 2023
Wonderful read, thanks for sharing! fencing colorado springs
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written by Garage Builders Denver , January 26, 2023
keep up the good work! i enjoy your content! tile installers denver
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written by Roofers Birmingham , January 28, 2023
Cannot believe smoking used to be so fashionable [Roofers Birmingham][https://www.roofersofbirmingham.co.uk/]
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Not good
written by kassandra , February 13, 2023
Her lungs doesn't look good, she should look for help St. Louis Gutters
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thanks for sharing
written by Cleaning Services Pittsburgh , February 20, 2023
her lungs don't look good. Thanks for providing
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written by Dog grooming Charleston SC , February 20, 2023
this is scary, thanks for bringing awareness.
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written by landscaping Charleston SC , February 20, 2023
love visiting your site.
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written by Junk Removal Charleston SC , February 20, 2023
this is providing great information for everyone!
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written by daycare Charleston SC , February 20, 2023
this was a great read.
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written by Pool Maintenance Charleston SC , February 20, 2023
great stuff keep it up!
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written by Wedding DJ Pittsburgh , February 20, 2023
I really enjoyed reading your content. I will be visiting your site more often.
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written by Fencing , March 07, 2023
Very much appreciated. Thank you for this excellent article. Keep posting!
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written by Rex , March 15, 2023
Great site
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written by Lexi Gonzales , March 20, 2023
Interesting blog. Looking for more. https://www.drywallsurreybc.com/Drywall-contractor-in-Richmond-BC
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written by JasonD , April 22, 2023
Very informative sites Google Google
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written by sterling1271994 , April 22, 2023
sincerely appreciated. I'm grateful for this wonderful article. Go on posting! https://www.plumbingsurreybc.com/
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This site might help
written by stella , June 08, 2023
This is the perfect site for smoke awareness, great job guys Generator Grand Rapids
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thank you
written by eska , June 12, 2023
Good awareness.
Cleaning Services Markham
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thank you
written by Cleaning Services Markham , June 12, 2023
Good awareness.
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written by Lash Extensions Yorkville , June 12, 2023
great read
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written by Lash Extensions Yorkville , June 12, 2023
great read. thank you
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written by builer16 , June 20, 2023
"Thank you very much for this wonderful topic!
Accountants Brampton
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written by Accountants Brampton , June 20, 2023
"Thank you very much for this wonderful topic!
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written by mai den , July 04, 2023
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Interessanter Blog
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written by Clínicas Dentales Cerca De Mi , July 12, 2023
Great text!! thanks for sharing
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written by mobile auto detailing Irvine , July 25, 2023
HAHA it's a little tough when you realize the bad marketing that exists with vapes and the bad noterity. But alcohol is so much better, right?
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Love this
written by car detailing Corona , July 25, 2023
Thanks for the share. Seriously, I really apprecaite it.
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Email list?
written by mobile car detailing Riverside , July 25, 2023
Do you have an email list I can hop on? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
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written by auto detailing Rancho Cucamonga , July 25, 2023
Do you have a search warrant to stop me from vaping? Just curious!
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Forum Upset
written by mobile auto detailing Downey , July 25, 2023
Thank you for helping us reach out potential and for doing everything we think we need to get it going.
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written by RV detailing Orange CA , July 25, 2023
As long as you're not burning 99 times a day and in control, you shouldn't be that worrieed.
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written by builder16 , July 26, 2023
"Such an awesome post. Thanks for sharing!
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Good Writing!
written by Servicio De Fumigacion A Domicilio , July 28, 2023
Wow, it´s a great text, thanks for sharing this with us
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Sextreffen kostenlos
written by Sextreffen ohne Abo , August 10, 2023
Kostenlose Sextreffen zu Gleichgesinnten ohne Abo auch in deiner Stadt.
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Grat Content
written by Cierre De Terrazas Vidrio , August 16, 2023
It´s so sad that someone shut you down, specially if you have great content for people
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written by car detailing company , August 17, 2023
Dude, this was a great write up. Honestly. Was there a part 11 to this? website
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4 piercings?
written by auto detailing near me Garland , August 17, 2023
4 piercings? Rookie, I myself have gotten 25 (just kidding). website
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written by auto detailing Rowlett , August 17, 2023
.....for this write up. It was honestly amazing. Thanks again!
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written by pool service Fontana , August 17, 2023
Thanks again for the heads up, it means alot.
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Other parts available
written by weekly pool maintenance , August 17, 2023
Do you have an email list with links to all parts? Not usre if it's hidden - I'm not seeing any additional links to the rest of the story. Regardless, always in moderations. That's all I have to say.
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Thank you
written by pool pump repair Chino CA , August 17, 2023
ONe thing I would say is that you never really know how your lungs will end up but you can find a way to help it.
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Love it
written by auto detailing Cypress CA , August 17, 2023
We love a good story, all day everyday. that's my MO
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written by car detailing company Inglewood CA , August 17, 2023
It's okay when one side of thE ISLE doesn't agree adnthe other does. It's not that big of a problem - at least tha'ts my opinoin.
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Live this site
written by Productoras Audiovisuales Santiago , August 18, 2023
Thanks for your post and just keep on going no matter what others think or deicide. You writting it´s pretty cool
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My thoughts
written by Gavin , August 22, 2023
Thanks for the article!

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My thoughts
written by John Gert , August 22, 2023
Thanks for the article!!

Tree removal
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written by Harold , August 22, 2023
Thanks for the post!

Concrete repairs Hobart
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written by Jimny , August 22, 2023
Thanks for the great post!

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Great news!
written by Robin Pise , September 04, 2023
WINDOW CLEANING AT ITS BEST! Here at https://www.bobcleanswindows.com/
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written by Ventanas PVC , September 05, 2023
I used to think there was something "different" on smoking, the sensation, but I never saw it as a fetish
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written by Robin Cook , September 06, 2023
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written by Ignacio , September 07, 2023
Your website offers great insights, so I linked to it in my article. Valor Mallas De Seguridad Para Balcones
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written by Ignacio , September 07, 2023
I've included a link to your site for further reading. Valor Mallas De Seguridad Para Balcones
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written by detailing El Monte , September 07, 2023
Thanks a ton for the help!
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Do you need help
written by auto detailing Compton CA , September 07, 2023
Just wondering if so. Would love to help!
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do you need help
written by https://www.westcovinamobiledetailing.com , September 07, 2023
I'll be there to help you as muych as possible!
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I want some smoke
written by Persianas De Seguridad Precio , September 10, 2023
The approach of this is fantastic. Now I wanna take a smoke
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Quite smoke
written by Servicio de Climatizacion , September 12, 2023
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written by builder16 , September 12, 2023
The topic is highly informative. Well done on sharing it.
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written by Administradores De Edificios , September 13, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Actually, it's pretty good to see! Tiler Adelaide
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Thanks for sharing! Tiler Adelaide
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Thanks for sharing this to public! Adelaide Landscaping
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Thanks for sharing! Sliding Doors Adelaide
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Many many thanks to you! Cleaning Services Adelaide
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Please keep up the good work! drum lessons adelaide
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Thanks for letting us know. Tiler Adelaide
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Great Post! I learned a lot from this, Thank you! Canberra landscapers
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Really nice article and helpful me Canberra landscapers
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
Good to know about this! Tilers Wollongong Albion Park
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written by Audrey , September 14, 2023
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Pretty cool!
written by Baterias de Auto a Domicilio , September 20, 2023
This lecture was pretty cool. Just keep on going
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great work
written by Ruben , September 28, 2023
Team collaboration is the key to success.
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written by Chet , October 02, 2023
Going the extra mile is appreciated.
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written by Dante , October 06, 2023
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written by Toby Lowe , October 10, 2023
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written by Maria , October 17, 2023
Consistent excellence is always commendable thanks for your work
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written by builder16 , October 23, 2023
Thanks for sharing this interesting blog here
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written by Pedro , October 31, 2023
Creating a better workplace is a noble goal.
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good info
written by Ignacio , November 02, 2023
Your contributions are invaluable to the success of our project
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written by Pablo , November 13, 2023
I love how you spread happiness online.
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written by builder16 , November 14, 2023
Thanks for this interesting article you shared.
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written by Josh4321 , November 28, 2023
Very informative blog! Thank you! Colorbond fencing Port Macquarie
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written by builder16 , December 11, 2023
Great blog! Thanks for the share.
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written by Mudanzas , December 26, 2023
Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment.
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written by Mantencion Aire Acondicionado , December 28, 2023
You radiate happiness in every post
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written by Aiden Carter , January 04, 2024
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written by FORUDUNEDIN , January 26, 2024
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Love ciggies
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written by builder16 , February 09, 2024
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Love it!
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Great! Looking foreward to see your other posts
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written by Source , March 13, 2024
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written by Queenie , May 17, 2024
Great blog! Thanks for the info.
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written by Kia , June 06, 2024
Thanks for sharing this informative blog.
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written by Maloi , July 02, 2024
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written by Sheena , July 10, 2024
Thanks for sharing this with us!
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written by sam , December 03, 2024
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Zákonný vodičský preukaz | jazdiť legálne na Slovensku
written by DWSEDFGV , January 23, 2025
Zákonný vodičský preukaz | jazdiť legálne na Slovensku
Integrita vodičského preukazu získaného z jednoduchého vodičského preukazu zostala vždy neporušená. Preto implementujeme prísne






opatrenia, aby bol dokument legálny aj registrovaný. Využitím výnimočnej odbornosti a neochvejného nasadenia členov nášho tímu vyrábame vodičské preukazy a dôsledne ich registrujeme v príslušných databázach, čím zaisťujeme, že naši klienti získajú preukazy bezproblémovo. Naším prvoradým záujmom je chrániť



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written by builder16 , February 20, 2025
Great blog! Thanks for the share.
Landscape Design Hillsboro
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written by Elliot Baker , March 03, 2025
Visit us for more articles like this!
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written by Junior , March 03, 2025
Great story it gets your imagination going !!!!!
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